14 January 2008

Google Reader

Ya'll, if you are still checking your favorite stamping blogs manually, or 'subscribing' to emails for updates of each blog you like, let me share something with you:
Google Reader
which will make your surfing SO much more productive, and one-stop-shopping-ish. And relieve you of a boatload of emails in your inbox~

You will love it, I promise you.

It works like an email account for all the blogs you read - they are all in one place (the ones that have new content are bolded, just like when an email is unread). You can read all your blogs from here (photos too!) and never have to surf around again (except when you want to add a new blog to your Reader list)

Note: this is NOT some paid-blog-ad thing. I just happen to LOVE me some Google Reader, and let you know about it.



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